Getting the Best out of Al-Hajj (Pilgrimage)

Getting the Best out of Al-Hajj (Pilgrimage)

Abu Muneer Ismail Davids
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Beside every detail about Hajj & Umrah this book also includes pictures, diagrams, a revision section, and item-by-item checklist to make the preparation easier. The book provides the reader with a realistic view of what to expect and shares useful information to allow for a better mental preparation for the pilgrim. Certain points are repeated in more than one section for either emphasis or for clarity and completeness of that particular section. It also makes for easier review or if the section is read in isolation. All suggestions mentioned in the book have been fully "tested" and all incidents and points are factual. The book provides a realistic view of Hajj as it is today, with details explanations of all the rites. It provides Fiqh related issues about Hajj, Salah and personal behavior according to the Qur'an and Sunnah, to enable you to obtain the "best value" for your time spent in the holy cities. It provides useful information and suggestions about planning for the journey, what to expect and how to survive, so you can depart with full confidence. About the Author Abu Muneer Ismail Davids is and active Da'ee (spreader of the faith), conducting classes and giving lectures on various subjects to Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Needless to say that his favorite subject is Hajj. Since performing his Fard Hajj in 1989, he has developed a deep desire to share his experiences and knowledge with the "Guests of Allah", in any way he can. In 1990 Allah blessed him with the opportunity to work in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, where he resided for fifteen years. This great opportunity opened the door for him to enrich his knowledge about all aspects of Hajj from the Qur'an and Sunnah point of view. Coupled with this he was able to be close to the pilgrims, year after year, to learn about their experiences. All of this allowed him to give the reader a unique account and invaluable advice on all aspects of Hajj. I have reviewed the book and found it to be a serious attempt form and honest and serious Da'ee. Through this work he has provided a good and plentiful source of information that helps the pilgrim to do the Hajj rites and rituals, from all sides and aspects in a correct way that is solid and established in the Qur'an and Sunnah. It fulfils the needs of this everlasting excursion in modern times. It does this in a captivating way with many original ideas. It has enjoyable diversity that attracts the reader to the peaceful cities of Makkah and Madinah especially those from outside the Arabian Peninsula. More importantly, it provides authenticated proof for all Fiqh related issues. We ask Allah (High and Mighty) to reward the author well, give him his due reward and make this book a reserve for him. May Allah benefit all Muslims from this effort and reward everybody who contributed to it. May Allah accept from all pilgrims and visitors to the holy cities, and forgive them and us all. Aameen. We pray on the Prophet (S). Said Suleiman Al-Mizyen Deputy Imam and Khateeb Sharbatli Mosque, Jeddah Saudi Arabia Chapters at a Glance Chapter 1: Hujj as an Obligation, Types of Hajj, Who and When to go - 27 Chapter 2: Planning and Preparation - 47 Chapter 3: About Women - 95 Chapter 4: What to Expect - 119 Chapter 5: What about those staying behind? - 137 Chapter 6: About the Ihraam - 145 Chapter 7: The Journey from Home to Makkah - 161 Chapter 8: Makkah Al-Mukarramah - 181 Chapter 9: Umrah/Omrah - 265 Chapter 10: Hall - 279 Chapter 11: Supplications from the Qur'an and Sunnah - 337 Chapter 12: Madinah Al-Munawarah - 345 Chapter 13: A Touch of History - 363 Chapter 14: Revision - 375 Chapter 15: Checklists - 407 In Closing - 431 Glossary - 433 Bibliography - 437
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